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The Old Style Quints?

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Was this what the old style quint use too look like???

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Can't tell from the photos. The rig obviously has an aerial device and pumps but to be a quint, the apparatus must have:

- An aerial device.

- A complement of ground ladders.

- A rated pump (750 GPM or greater).

- Carry a complement of hose.

- Carry water.

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Converable, lol. Thats awsome how from the just a steam engine times all the way to 2006 how rigs take shape and upgrade with new things every year.

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The requirements for a quint have obviously varied throughout the decades, and today are set by the NFPA. Back in the day, just about any aerial truck that had a pump, some water and hose on it would've likely been considered a quint. Same goes for triple combination and quadruple combination engines. If they had a pump, tank and some hose, they would've been considered a triple combination...add some ground ladders and you'd have a quad.

Our dept's first aerial was a 1962 International/Young/Pitman 65' Snorkel. It had a 750 GPM pump, 175 gallon tank, 1200' of 2.5" supply hose and 207' of ground ladders. It was also the very first quint Snorkel Young ever built (we seem to have a history with unique Young apparatus, also having owned the last Bison model they ever built, which was also a rare cross between a Crusader and Bison). We sold the Snorkel to the Harrisburg, IL FD in 1978. Here are some photos of the truck from a few weeks ago. Everything is still in perfect working order and the boom was actually just recently recertified!

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Those are awsome pics of the old snorkel. Bet you wish you still had it, even if it was just for parades and not every day use.

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I love the strobes on the bumper.....

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Those are awsome pics of the old snorkel. Bet you wish you still had it, even if it was just for parades and not every day use.

It would be pretty neat to still have it. Actually it was just up for sale on eBay, but didn't meet the reserve.

I love the strobes on the bumper.....

laugh.gif I assure you, those were NOT our doing!

The truck does have a bit of sad history, however. In 1967 one of our members, Billy Steffens, touched the truck while the boom was in contact with overhead wires. He's one of only two LODDs in our dept's history. sad.gif

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Just remember one of the oldest quints still existing is the one built by Smeal in the late 50's early 60's.

I was it while out at thier plant and I have to saw wow, for an old time truck needed it was functional. They recently restored it and it look sand runs great, plus I think it still pumps too.

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